Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/01/2021 - Executive (Item 192)


The Strategic Director Place will submit a report (Document “CZ”) which sets out the Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood Development Plan which has been prepared by the Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council and Silsden Town Council. The Plan has now been subject of an independent examination by Robert Bryan and his report confirms that the Plan, subject to the incorporation of a number of modifications meets the Basic Conditions outlined in legislation. He has recommended that the Plan proceeds to local referendum.


The report recommends that the Executive agree to all of the proposed modifications and that the modified plan proceeds to referendum. This will take place in May 2021.


Recommended –


 (1)      The submitted Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood       Development Plan (Appendices 1a and 1b) is subject to the         modifications (Recommendations 1 to 18) as set out in the Examiner’s        Report (Appendix 2), together with any relevant factual changes required to ensure that it is up to date.


(2)       It is then subject to a local referendum.


(3)       Should the plan be successful at referendum, the plan should be          formally made via delegated decision by the Assistant Director            (Planning, Transportation & Highways) in consultation with the        Portfolio Holder (Regeneration, Planning & Transport) in line with         the agreed governance arrangements.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Economy


(Andrew Marshall - 01274 434050)

Additional documents:


Resolved –


 (1)      That the submitted Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood Development Plan (Appendices 1a and 1b to Document “CZ”) be subject to the modifications (Recommendations 1 to 18) as set out in the Examiner’s Report (Appendix 2 to Document “CZ”), together with any relevant factual changes required to ensure that it is up to date.


(2)       That it is then subject to a local referendum.


(3)       Should the plan be successful at referendum, the plan should be          formally made via delegated decision by the Assistant Director            (Planning, Transportation & Highways) in consultation with the        Portfolio Holder (Regeneration, Planning & Transport) in line with         the agreed governance arrangements.


ACTION:Strategic Director Place


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Economy


(Andrew Marshall - 01274 434050)





The Strategic Director Place submitted a report (Document “CZ”) which set out the Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood Development Plan which had been prepared by the Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council and Silsden Town Council. The Plan had been subject of an independent examination by Robert Bryan and his report confirmed that the Plan, subject to the incorporation of a number of modifications met the Basic Conditions outlined in legislation. He had recommended that the Plan proceeds to local referendum.


The report recommended that the Executive agree to all of the proposed modifications and that the modified plan proceeds to referendum. This will take place in May 2021.


A Silsden Town Councillor was present at the meeting and stated that the development plan had taken many years in the making; that the production of a joint plan was seen as a constructive way forward, saving on resources.  She also stated that the plan would benefit the localities immensely and enable the receipt of community infrastructure levy monies, and she thanked all parties for their input and looked forward to the next stage.


The Leader in welcoming the Plan, expressed her sincere thanks to the respective Parish and Town Councils for their hard work and input.


Resolved –


 (1)      That the submitted Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood Development Plan (Appendices 1a and 1b to Document “CZ”) be subject to the modifications (Recommendations 1 to 18) as set out in the Examiner’s Report (Appendix 2 to Document “CZ”), together with any relevant factual changes required to ensure that it is up to date.


(2)       That it is then subject to a local referendum.


(3)       Should the plan be successful at referendum, the plan should be          formally made via delegated decision by the Assistant Director            (Planning, Transportation & Highways) in consultation with the        Portfolio Holder (Regeneration, Planning & Transport) in line with         the agreed governance arrangements.


ACTION:Strategic Director Place


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Regeneration & Economy