Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/11/2020 - Regulatory and Appeals Committee (Item 26)


The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation & Highways will submit a report (Document “AK”) which sets out a full application 20/03121/FUL for a single storey extension to existing workshop buildings and a proposed new storage building at the KAP Centre, (Keighley Auto Paint), Beecher Street, Keighley, BD21 4AP.


Recommended –


That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to Document “AK”.

                                                                        (Mark Hutchinson - 01274 434380)



That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of document “AK”.


Note: That the attention of the applicant be drawn to condition 3 of the report:


‘The proposed storage building shall be used only for purposes of storage, or for the parking/garaging of vehicles in connection with and ancillary to the occupation and use of the site and shall at no time be severed and occupied as a separate independent unit.


Reason:  In the interests of amenity and highway safety and to accord with policies DS1, DS5, TR2 and SC9 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.’


ACTION: Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation and Highways


                                                                        (Martyn Burke – 01274 433876)



The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation and Highways submitted a report (Document “AK”) which detailed a full planning application for the construction of a single storey extension to an existing workshop building and a new storage building within the existing site at Beecher Street.  The report also summarised objections and letters of support which had been received.


Details of a Ward Councillor’s objections to the plan were circulated to Members prior to the meeting.  The Assistant Director explained that the proposal allowed for improvement rather than intensification of business activity with the new storage building providing better security. The new build would replace a metal storage container which was in the same location on site as the proposed replacement.  There would be no extra noise or additional vehicles as a result of the application and turning/manoeuvring within the site was possible so would not contribute to traffic issues.  Condition 3 of the report would ensure that the new building would only be allowed to be used for storage.


A Member asked about deliveries, and whether delivery vehicles were parking on the road or in the yard and due to the extended nature of existing opening hours, could a time restriction be imposed on working hours?  In response, it was advised that this would not be possible as the business was already established so retrospective operating times restrictions would not be possible or appropriate to impose. 


A Ward Councillor was in attendance at the meeting and addressed the Committee stating that there had been problems experienced by residents over some years.  The business has been in existence for many years but not under the current proprietor.  Objections received related to problems with dust and noise at unsociable hours and that vehicles were worked on in the street causing access issues for residents.  The frequency and magnitude of work had led to a significant loss of amenity and residents felt that this would increase significantly if the application was granted.


In response, the Assistant Director stated that noise and pollution issues would be better addressed through Environment Health as statutory nuisance came under different legislation.  The scope of consideration for the Committee extended to the planning application only.  There were no grounds for refusal on planning merits.


The issue of restricting operating hours was raised again, but the business was able to operate with unrestricted hours and the development represented no further intensification, therefore there were no grounds upon which to impose additional operational restrictions.


Resolved –


That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of document “AK”.


Note: That the attention of the applicant be drawn to condition 3 of the report:


‘The proposed storage building shall be used only for purposes of storage, or for the parking/garaging of vehicles in connection with and ancillary to the occupation and use of the site and shall at no time be severed and occupied as a separate independent unit’.


Reason:  In the interests of amenity and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26