Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/10/2019 - Area Planning Panel (Keighley and Shipley) (Item 28)


The Panel is asked to consider the planning applications which are set out in Document  “I” relating to items recommended for approval or refusal.


The sites concerned are:



21 Nab Wood Drive, Shipley  (Approve)



26 - 30 Avondale Buildings Bradford Road, Shipley (Approve)




37 Wensleydale Rise, Baildon  (Approve)



57 Braithwaite Avenue, Keighley (Approve)

Keighley West


Land South of  2 To 10 Royd Lane, Keighley (Approve)


Keighley Central


Land To Rear of 14 Barley Cote Road, Riddlesden (Approve)


Keighley East


Littlegarth Sheriff Lane, Eldwick  (Approve)



Marriner Road, Keighley  (Approve)

Keighley Central


The Croft, Keighley  (Refuse)

Keighley East



                                                            (Mohammed Yousuf – 01274 434605)


(a)       21 Nab Wood Drive, Shipley                               Shipley


A ‘Householder’ planning application for a two-storey side extension with front dormer window, single-storey rear extension, front porch and bay window extension at 21 Nab Wood Drive, Shipley – 19/02942/HOU




That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place


(b)       26-30 Avondale Buildings Bradford Road, Shipley              Shipley


Planning application for a three-storey extension to rear of existing building and conversion of upper floors to form five apartments with new restaurant toilets to ground floor at numbers 26-30 Avondale Buildings, Bradford Road, Shipley – 19/02607/FUL




That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place



(c)       37 Wensleydale Rise, Baildon                                        Baildon


Full planning application for the construction of single storey bungalow in the garden at 37 Wensleydale Rise, Baildon – 19/02731/FUL




That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place




(d)       57 Braithwaite Avenue, Keighley                                   Keighley West


Householder application for a two-storey side extension at 57 Braithwaite Avenue, Keighley – 19/03230/HOU







That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place





(e)       Land South of 2 to 10 Royd Lane, Keighley   Keighley Central


Planning application for  full permission for the construction of a three storey apartment building incorporating nine one-bed supported living units on land south of 2 to 10 Royd Lane, Keighley – 19/02346/FUL




That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report and with the addition of the following additional conditions:


·         That notwithstanding the details shown on approved layout drawing PHA/333/200, before the dwellings are brought into use a minimum of 9 off street car parking spaces shall be provided within the site in accordance with details that have first been submitted to, and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


·         That in addition to the landscaping details listed in Condition 13,  a requirement should be specified to include new tree planting along the Royd Lane frontage.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place



(f)        Land to Rear of 14 Barley Cote Road, Riddlesden   Keighley East


Demolition of a single garage and construction of a detached house at land to the rear of 14 Barley Cote Road, Riddlesden – 19/02232/FUL




That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report.


Action:  Strategic Director, Place




(g)       Littlegarth Sheriff Lane, Eldwick                                    Bingley


An application to vary condition 10 of planning approval 18/05178/FUL (Construction of a detached dwelling) to substitute approved drawing 1665-18-001D with 1665-19-017 ‘Plans and Elevations’ and drawing 1665-18-002A with 1665-19-018 ‘Proposed Site Plan’ at ‘Littlegarth’  ...  view the full decision text for item 28


The Strategic Director, Place presented Document “I”.  Plans and photographs were displayed in respect of each application and representations summarised.


(a)       21 Nab Wood Drive, Shipley                               Shipley


A ‘Householder’ planning application for a two-storey side extension with front dormer window, single-storey rear extension, front porch and bay window extension at 21 Nab Wood Drive, Shipley – 19/02942/HOU


The Strategic Director, Place gave a presentation setting out the proposals and tabled plans detailing the layout. He provided an appraisal of the application and informed Members that the application site comprised a semi-detached dwelling built of natural stone and render with a red concrete tiled roof. The dwelling was situated in a residential area surrounded by properties of a varying designs. The property faced onto Nab Wood Drive, and was situated near a cross roads between Nab Wood Drive and Nab Wood Grove.


It was reported that the previous application was withdrawn by the agent following discussions with the Planning Service, which identified harmful issues principally due to the design of the two storey side extension. Following receipt of the current application, a number of revised plans had been submitted to further amend the design of the proposal. The amendments were:-


- reduce the width of the side extension and the front dormer window,

- alter the roof design of the side extension,

- increase the setback of the side extension

- reduce the size of the front porch.


It was reported that the revisions addressed all the points of concern and potential reasons for refusal that were previously identified.


Members were informed that seven objections had been received, including one from a Shipley Ward Councillor with a request to refer the application to the Area Planning Panel; three further comments had been received in response to the revised plans; these were received from existing objectors which included that the two storey side extension was disproportionate to the neighbourhood; overshadowing; overlooking; loss of hedges; no account taken for drainage run off; plans did not accurately reflect the true parking arrangements; negative impact on the natural environment.


An objector (resident of No 19) attended the meeting and spoke of his concerns in relation to the extension which included the extension would cause overshadowing due to its height; the height of the property would overshadow the Solar Panels on his property; the hallway was a habitable room and could be overlooked and cause loss of privacy; concerned that the extension could cause sinking. 


In response it was reported that given the height and position of the side extension any loss of light to Solar Panels would be minimal; the loss of light to a solar panel did not affect residential amenity and so it was not a material planning consideration; sinking or collapse was a matter for compliance with any relevant Building Regulations; hallways were not classed as a habitable room but acknowledged the objectors point on how it was used.


It was reported that the rear extension would be three metres  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28