Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/10/2019 - Keighley Area Committee (Item 33)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “N”) informs the Committee of the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Warden and Environmental Enforcement Teams in the Keighley Area.


Recommended –


That the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Warden and Environmental Enforcement Teams in the Keighley area, as outlined in Document “N”, be welcomed.


(Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Jonathan Hayes – 01535 618065 / Amjad Ishaq – 01274 431066))



Resolved –


That the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Warden and Environmental Enforcement Teams in the Keighley area, as outlined in Document “N”, be welcomed



ACTION: Strategic Director, Place


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “N”) informed the Committee of the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Warden and Environmental Enforcement Teams in the Keighley Area.


Members were reminded that in April 2019 the Neighbourhood Service was restructured in order to further align services and to bring about improvements in service delivery. Due to the synergies between Neighbourhood Wardens and Environmental Enforcement Officers the two services were brought together under a single management structure working from each of the five Area Co-ordinators’ Offices.


It was explained that Neighbourhood Wardens, including one Team Leader in each team, were based in each Area. They were managed by a Warden and Environmental Enforcement Manager. That manager also had responsibility for the Enforcement Officers who worked in their area.  The Neighbourhood Warden and Enforcement Manager for the Keighley area was introduced to Members.


The working arrangements and shift patterns of the teams were reported and the ability of the Environmental Enforcement Officers, through the new arrangements, to triage work and delegate work to Neighbourhood Wardens was discussed.


The report revealed actions to tackle fly tipping through the use of technology; surveillance and the ability to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FNP).  Support provided for residents to get the support they required and the ensuing ability to empower communities was discussed.


A Member questioned if seasonal events were taken account of when programming enforcement work and it was explained that plans were being drawn up to ascertain times of pressure and, based on resources, a zero tolerance policy would be implemented. Work during bank holidays was conducted by the Emergency Planning Team.


Members referred to costly prosecutions for fly tipping and questioned if those costs were recouped and if residents were left with a criminal record.  In response it was explained that the option to issue a FPN avoided unnecessary criminal prosecutions; reduced costs and was more effective at changing behaviour.  Measures were also undertaken with residents to identify the perpetrators and rubbish was checked for clues as to its origin.


Litter and waste from takeaway premises was discussed.  It was confirmed that work undertaken by the Wardens and Enforcement Officers to encourage those businesses to minimise their environmental impact had been successful.


A Member was concerned about prosecutions for people who had rubbish left outside of their homes and was assured that unless there was evidence to suggest that the rubbish was theirs they would not be prosecuted.


In response to questions it was explained that residents would be given an option to pay a fine and that if the fine was less than the disposal costs the issue would be taken through the courts.


The service was commended for the work in the Keighley area.


Resolved –


That the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Warden and Environmental Enforcement Teams in the Keighley area, as outlined in Document “N”, be welcomed



ACTION: Strategic Director, Place