Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/10/2019 - Council (Item 59)


To be moved by Councillor David Ward

Seconded by Councillor Julie Humphreys


There is growing evidence, at both a local and national level, that too many children are not receiving their full legal entitlement to an education. The cause of this failure to provide children with this entitlement is increasingly due to the failure of schools and local authorities to track pupils who have left a school and the long delays in finding alternative provision that too often occurs following exclusion from a school. In many cases parents are unaware of the rights of their children, but even if they are aware, they lack the support needed to fight for their children’s rights.


This Council therefore calls on the Director of Childrens’ Services to:


·         Investigate the most cost-effective way of providing all parents of children attending schools with a clear and concise statement on their rights as parents and the rights of their children to an education.

·         Consider how the local authority can support parents who are in dispute with the school that their children are attending through independent advice and advocacy.


Resolved –


This Council notes:

  • Every child who is permanently excluded is placed on the roll of a school (usually a PRU) on the 6th day following their permanent exclusion.  This is in line with the statutory requirement.
  • All parents are informed of their rights when a child is excluded as schools are required to provide information within a standard exclusions letter. 
  • Individual Schools & Academies are required to ensure that parents are clear about their rights and this must be articulated in their complaints processes.  This should include the link on parental rights which can be found on the DfE Website.  The Local Authority has no remit to provide advice or advocacy for all parents.  However, provisions are made for parents of children with SEND via the SENDIASS service.  All information on SENDIASS can be found on the Bradford Local Offer website.


This Council resolves to:

·         Allow the Children’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee to conduct a full review of children potentially suffering disadvantage in their education entitlement.

·         Asks for the recommendations from the report to be presented to Executive on completion.


ACTION:       Governance, Scrutiny and Members Support Manager/ Strategic Director Children’s Services


A motion was moved by Councillor Ward.


An amendment moved by Councillor Imran Khan, as set out in the resolution below, was carried.


An amendment was also moved by Councillor Gibbons.


Resolved –


This Council notes:

  • Every child who is permanently excluded is placed on the roll of a school (usually a PRU) on the 6th day following their permanent exclusion.  This is in line with the statutory requirement.
  • All parents are informed of their rights when a child is excluded as schools are required to provide information within a standard exclusions letter. 
  • Individual Schools & Academies are required to ensure that parents are clear about their rights and this must be articulated in their complaints processes.  This should include the link on parental rights which can be found on the DfE Website.  The Local Authority has no remit to provide advice or advocacy for all parents.  However, provisions are made for parents of children with SEND via the SENDIASS service.  All information on SENDIASS can be found on the Bradford Local Offer website.


This Council resolves to:

·         Allow the Children’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee to conduct a full review of children potentially suffering disadvantage in their education entitlement.

·         Asks for the recommendations from the report to be presented to Executive on completion.


ACTION:       Governance, Scrutiny and Members Support Manager/ Strategic Director Children’s Services