Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/10/2019 - Council (Item 56)


To be moved by Councillor Robert Hargreaves

Seconded by Councillor Paul Sullivan


Council notes:


           The growing need for Mental Health and Wellbeing provisions and a robust plan which provides clear and decisive support for its residents.


           The great work already being carried out across the district by the council, NHS and commissioned VCS organisations.


Council resolves to:


           Work with training providers within the NHS and commissioned VCS Mental Health organisations to establish and deliver a comprehensive and co-ordinated mental health training programme to all frontline council staff and elected members within 3 years. The resulting programme will then be rolled out to other relevant frontline staff and private sector organisations.


           Review the council’s progress in delivering its part of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy in relation to mental health. This review should focus on the strategic capabilities of the council to fulfil its commitments rather than the front line delivery, taking into account budget restraints and timescales. Given the increased need since the strategy was created, the review should also look at priorities and, where shortfalls are identified, broaden the scale of the actions to be taken to ensure that best possible outcomes are achieved.


           Review the progress of the Bradford District Mental Wellbeing Strategy, with a heavy focus on early intervention and prevention.


           Carry out an impact assessment of departmental cuts within the authority on the mental wellbeing of the population of the district. The assessment should also include the council’s policies for debt collection in relation to overdue council tax payments.


           Work towards reducing social isolation by investigating the possibility of introducing a community transport scheme and by signing up to the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation.


           Ensure advice services, such as debt advice and benefits advice, are maintained and properly funded to protect the poorest and most vulnerable people in the district.


           Better promote and encourage the district’s businesses and organisations to sign the Mental Health Charter Mark for Businesses.


           Look at increasing the percentage of funding given to the prevention pillar of the health and wellbeing strategy which currently stands at less than 10% of overall spend.


           Identify gaps/weaknesses around mental health in the JSNA and ensure work is done to fill in/strengthen where required.


          The Bradford and Airedale Health and Wellbeing Board will monitor the progress and commitments toward the ‘Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Consensus Statement’. An annual report will also be presented to the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Resolved –


Council notes:


  • The growing need for Mental Health and Wellbeing provisions and a robust plan which provides clear and decisive support for its residents.


  • The great work already being carried out across the district by the council, NHS, the Bradford District Care Trust and commissioned voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations. The health partnership in Bradford - comprising the NHS, the council and the VCS - re-launched an all-age mental wellbeing strategy this year. We have also launched the Living Well programme led jointly by Public Health and the CCGs this year.


Council resolves to:


  • Work with the Community Partnerships to understand their mental health priorities and ensure that the VCS are fully engaged in this process through the Mental Health Provider Forum.


  • Support Council staff through the Employee Health and Wellbeing service and work with CCGs and VCS partners to develop a co-ordinated mental health and suicide prevention training programme for relevant staff groups.


  • Working through the Living Well service, ensure that those with mental health issues receive advice and early referral to interventions to improve their mental health, lifestyle and wellbeing.


  • Deliver the suicide prevention strategy and action plan with a multi-agency suicide partnership group and conduct a suicide audit and review of deaths with neighbouring councils.


  • Maintain and where possible increase the focus on early intervention and prevention, including by: developing an approach (jointly by Children’s Services and Public Health) to prevent and reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences; and developing a strategic prevention group focused on the strategic commitments of the Bradford District Mental Wellbeing Strategy.


·         Continue to review welfare, debt and benefits services to best support vulnerable people of the district including those with mental health difficulties.


·         Better promote and encourage the district’s businesses and organisations to sign the Mental Health Charter Mark for Businesses.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Corporate Resources/ Strategic Director Health and Wellbeing/ Director of Public Health


A motion was moved by Councillor Hargreaves.


An amendment moved by Councillor Ferriby, as set out in the resolution below, was carried.


An amendment moved by Councillor Humphreys was defeated.


Resolved –


Council notes:


  • The growing need for Mental Health and Wellbeing provisions and a robust plan which provides clear and decisive support for its residents.


  • The great work already being carried out across the district by the council, NHS, the Bradford District Care Trust and commissioned voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations. The health partnership in Bradford - comprising the NHS, the council and the VCS - re-launched an all-age mental wellbeing strategy this year. We have also launched the Living Well programme led jointly by Public Health and the CCGs this year.


Council resolves to:


  • Work with the Community Partnerships to understand their mental health priorities and ensure that the VCS are fully engaged in this process through the Mental Health Provider Forum.


  • Support Council staff through the Employee Health and Wellbeing service and work with CCGs and VCS partners to develop a co-ordinated mental health and suicide prevention training programme for relevant staff groups.


  • Working through the Living Well service, ensure that those with mental health issues receive advice and early referral to interventions to improve their mental health, lifestyle and wellbeing.


  • Deliver the suicide prevention strategy and action plan with a multi-agency suicide partnership group and conduct a suicide audit and review of deaths with neighbouring councils.


  • Maintain and where possible increase the focus on early intervention and prevention, including by: developing an approach (jointly by Children’s Services and Public Health) to prevent and reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences; and developing a strategic prevention group focused on the strategic commitments of the Bradford District Mental Wellbeing Strategy.


·         Continue to review welfare, debt and benefits services to best support vulnerable people of the district including those with mental health difficulties.


·         Better promote and encourage the district’s businesses and organisations to sign the Mental Health Charter Mark for Businesses.


ACTION:       Strategic Director Corporate Resources/ Strategic Director Health and Wellbeing/ Director of Public Health