Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/11/2018 - Bradford East Area Committee (Item 37)


Document “R” is the annual report of the Strategic Director, Place for the devolved Parks and Green Spaces Service which reviews activity during the past year and also considers the significant issues and proposed management structural changes that will have an effect over the coming twelve months with options where available for future service delivery, investment and savings.


Recommended –


That Bradford East Area Committee notes the content of this report and welcomes the planned merger of the Cleansing Service.


(Regeneration & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee)


(Ian Wood – 01274 432648)


Resolved –


That Bradford East Area Committee notes the content of Document “R” and welcomes the planned merger of the Cleansing Service.


(Regeneration & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee)


(Ian Wood – 01274 432648)



Document “R” was the annual report of the Strategic Director, Place for the devolved Parks and Green Spaces Service which reviewed activity during the past year and also considered the significant issues and proposed management structural changes that would have an effect over the coming twelve months with options where available for future service delivery, investment and savings.


Members questioned the Assistant Director, Neighbourhoods and Communities about the report, asking:-

·         Whether the proposed merger would mean an end to distinct teams?

·         Whether the recent instance of travellers pitching up in the area had had an effect on the budget?

·         How were trees monitored and their condition maintained?

·         What were the plans for Bradford Moor Park and had any attempt been made to establish a “Friends of” group for the park?

·         What were the plans for Back Derby Place play area?


In response, they were advised that the proposed merger would mean that teams would work across all areas in a more integrated manner; that the recent stay by a traveller group had not impinged on the budget to any significant degree and that the Trees and Woodland Section was responsible for maintenance of the District’s trees and took action to remove only dangerous, diseased or dying trees.


In respect of Bradford Moor Park, members were advised that the park had been in decline over a number of years but that officers were actively seeking options to reverse that, such as offering pleasure boating or similar activities to encourage greater use of the park. Efforts had previously been made to establish a “Friends of” group but there had been little interest.  


In relation to Back Derby Place, officers undertook to provide a written response to the member question.


 Resolved –


That Bradford East Area Committee notes the content of Document “R” and welcomes the planned merger of the Cleansing Service.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place


(Regeneration & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee)