Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/03/2017 - Council (Item 116)


To be moved by Councillor Cooke

Seconded by Councillor Pennington


Council notes:


  1. Community Asset Transfer presents the opportunity to empower local communities and build neighbourhood resilience
  2. Commitment in the 2017/18 budget to support Parish and Town Councils or community organisations looking at community asset transfers or the undertaking of withdrawn Council services
  3. Limited capacity and knowledge of community asset transfer within these local councils and community groups.


Council asks the Strategic Director, Corporate Services to:


  1. Draw up a record of buildings and land that might be options for community asset transfer
  2. Catalogue outstanding repairs and other prospective costs that would require identification within a community asset transfer
  3. Identify limiting covenants or charitable trusts on land or buildings in the Council’s control that might be options for community asset transfer
  4. Commission appropriate support for Parish and Town Councils or community organisations considering community asset transfer to include essential financial, legal and property advice

5.   Report progress on community asset transfer and other service transfers to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on a regular basis




Council notes:


1.         Community Asset Transfer presents the opportunity to empower local communities and build neighbourhood resilience

2.         Commitment in the 2017/18 budget to support Parish and Town Councils or community organisations looking at community asset transfers or the undertaking of withdrawn Council services

3.         Limited capacity and knowledge of community asset transfer within some local Councils and community groups


The Council has the following tools in place:


1.         Available asset lists for interested parties who may wish to take responsibility for them either through a CAT or other process

2.         Every building has details of outstanding repairs and other prospective costs that would require identification within a community asset transfer

3.         As part of the CAT transfer process we identify limiting covenants or charitable trusts on land or buildings in the Council's control

4.         Appropriate support through the £100,000 budget proposal for Parish or Town Councils or community organisations considering community asset transfer

5.         Provides updates on CATs and other service transfers through:

- the Property Programme report at Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

- to ward members on a quarterly basis, with notifications for new and progressing CATs;

- through an online register of applications, publicly available.


Council asks the Strategic Directors, Corporate and Place to:


1.         Develop a CAT toolkit for parties interested in the community asset transfer process

2.         Organise workshops to help inform and guide parties interested in the community asset transfer process

ACTION:       Strategic Director Corporate Services/Strategic Director Place


A motion was moved by Councillor Cooke.


An amendment, as set out in the resolution below, was moved by Councillor Ross-Shaw and was carried.




Council notes:


1.         Community Asset Transfer presents the opportunity to empower local communities and build neighbourhood resilience

2.         Commitment in the 2017/18 budget to support Parish and Town Councils or community organisations looking at community asset transfers or the undertaking of withdrawn Council services

3.         Limited capacity and knowledge of community asset transfer within some local Councils and community groups


The Council has the following tools in place:


1.         Available asset lists for interested parties who may wish to take responsibility for them either through a CAT or other process

2.         Every building has details of outstanding repairs and other prospective costs that would require identification within a community asset transfer

3.         As part of the CAT transfer process we identify limiting covenants or charitable trusts on land or buildings in the Council's control

4.         Appropriate support through the £100,000 budget proposal for Parish or Town Councils or community organisations considering community asset transfer

5.         Provides updates on CATs and other service transfers through:

- the Property Programme report at Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

- to ward members on a quarterly basis, with notifications for new and progressing CATs;

- through an online register of applications, publicly available.


Council asks the Strategic Directors, Corporate and Place to:


1.         Develop a CAT toolkit for parties interested in the community asset transfer process

2.         Organise workshops to help inform and guide parties interested in the community asset transfer process

ACTION:       Strategic Director Corporate Services/Strategic Director Place