Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Keighley Area Committee (Item 63)


At its meeting on 8 march 2016 the executive approved a strategy for short, medium and long term improvements to assist traffic flow around Keighley Town Centre and complement regeneration opportunities of key development sites.

The Strategic Director, Place will submit Document “AF” which updates the Committee on the progress made.




That the Committee notes the content of the short, medium and long term measures for transport improvements in Keighley Town Centre and the progress being made towards implementation of those proposals.


                                                (Richard Bruce – 01274 437616)



Resolved –


(1)  That the content of the short, medium and long term measures for transport improvements in Keighley Town Centre and the progress being made towards implementation of those proposals be noted.


(2)  That Highways officers be requested to liaise with Planning officers to investigate the removal of four retail premises on East Parade in order to widen the road.


(Environment and Waste Management Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

                                                (Richard Bruce – 01274 437616)



At its meeting on 8 March 2016 the Executive approved a strategy for short, medium and long term improvements to assist traffic flow around Keighley town centre and complement regeneration opportunities of key development sites. 


The Strategic Director, Place submitted Document “AF” which updated the Committee on the progress made.


The Principal Engineer provided a summary of the report and stated that during the consultation process (prior to formal advertisement) for proposals outlined in Appendix 4 of the report some concerns had been raised about the removal of parking spaces on Bow Street.  Any objections following the formal advertisement of the Orders would be reported to the Committee.  He stated that the scheme was expected to take 16-20 weeks to complete and it was anticipated to commence over the summer period.


A Member commented that the scheme required drivers to comply with the new road system and drive courteously.


A Member stated that the proposed scheme was the best he had seen for the area but suggested the removal of the right turn from North Street to Russell St.  In response, it was stated that in reviewing all options for that location, Transport Planners considered that maintaining the right turn was important for the route and this had to be balanced with the availability of parking there too so that the road was not blocked in peak hours due to stationary cars turning right from North Street into Russell Street.  If the right turn was taken out it would also increase traffic using the high street roundabout ahead.


With reference to the long term improvements, a Member asked that officers look into the possibility of removing the four retail premises on East Parade with a view to widening the road.


Following a Member’s comment about yellow box junctions often being oversized leading to non-compliance, it was stated that an appropriate size for each yellow box junction proposed had been considered which may lead to better compliance from drivers.


Members were informed that the current long term improvements did not yet address areas for cyclists; discussions were being held about undertaking a cycle study across the Keighley area.


The Principal Engineer stated that a low cost improvement measure would be to re-configure the exit out of the bus station as this was currently only used as an emergency measure. 


Resolved –


(1)  That the content of the short, medium and long term measures for transport improvements in Keighley Town Centre and the progress being made towards implementation of those proposals be noted.


(2)  That Highways officers be requested to liaise with Planning officers to investigate the removal of four retail premises on East Parade in order to widen the road.


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Environment and Waste Management

Action: Strategic Director, Place