Local democracy

Agenda item



The Strategic Director Regeneration will submit a report (Document “K”) which sets out objections received to a recently advertised Traffic Regulation Order for various parking restrictions in the Bradford South constituency and pedestrian islands on Beacon Road.


Recommended –


(1)          That the objections in respect of Beacon Road and Chapel Road be overruled and 103021 Bradford South 2015-16 order be sealed and implemented as advertised and proposed pedestrian islands on Beacon Road be installed subject to any revisions arising from the actions detailed in paragraph 2.6 to Document “K”.

(2)          That the objectors be informed accordingly.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Environment and Waste Management


                                                                        (Andrew Smith - 01274 434674)



The Strategic Director Regeneration submitted a report (Document “K”) which set out objections received to a recently advertised Traffic Regulation Order for various parking restrictions in the Bradford South constituency and pedestrian islands on Beacon Road.


The Principal Engineer explained that the proposals were part of the Casualty Reduction Scheme that had been identified as lengths of concerns and following advertising of the Order, a number of objections had been received which were detailed in the report.  He alluded to some slight modifications to the proposals with a view to relocating one of the pedestrian islands and the removal of a ‘No Loading’ restriction on Mill Street.


In response to a number of questions regarding the proposals, the Principal Engineer stated that the scheme would not interfere with disabled parking bays and that Beacon Road was wide enough to facilitate the pedestrian islands.


Members raised concerns about the speed of the traffic using Beacon Road, particularly in the vicinity of the Co-op store and that the proposals afforded an opportunity to address the issues.


A number of objectors were present at the meeting to highlight specific objections in relation to the siting of the proposed pedestrian islands and they made the following points:


·        That it was accepted that there was a problem on the full length of Beacon road and an acknowledgement that some measures had to be put in place to address the issue of speeding traffic.

·        That ideally speed cameras would offer the best solution.

·        Two objectors requested the re-siting of two of the pedestrian islands to enable them to access their drives.

·        That other measures could be adopted to deal with the speeding traffic.

·        That parking outside the shops and takeaways only exacerbated the situation.


In response to some of the points raised, the Principal Engineer stated that he was happy to relook at the siting of proposed pedestrian islands and their dimensions in order to address the objector’s concerns. In relation to the request to install safety cameras it was explained that the road did not meet the criteria for their installation and that the policy in this area was very stringent.


In addition an objector was present regarding the proposed no waiting at any time restrictions on Chapel Road, and he stated that there was no need to impose the restrictions as it would only restrict parking in the area and impact on the businesses in the vicinity. 


In response the Principal Engineer explained that the scheme was being proposed following a suggestion from the Police regarding concerns about emergency vehicle access to the BASF site.

A Member of the Committee and Ward Councillor for the area stated that he had visited the site and looked at the proposals in detail and that BASF had expressed concerns regarding emergency vehicle access onto their site, and that parking on Chapel Road would jeopardise access onto the site and therefore yellow lines were imperative to facilitate this and it was therefore:


Resolved –


(1)          That the objections in respect of the proposed waiting restrictions on Beacon Road and Chapel Road be overruled and 103021 Bradford South 2015-16 various sites Traffic Regulation Order be sealed and implemented as advertised subject to the deletion of the proposed ‘No Loading’ restrictions from Mill Street.

(2)          That officers review the locations of the proposed pedestrian islands adjacent to nos.64 and 185 Beacon Road and dimensions of the proposed build-out adjacent to no. 64 Beacon Road to determine if any minor adjustments (that would ease access to nearby drives) are feasible.

(3)          That, subject to any minor amendments arising from resolution 2, the pedestrian islands and build-out on Beacon Road be implemented as proposed.

(4)          That the objectors be informed accordingly.

 ACTION:      Principal Engineer


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Environment and Waste Management      



Supporting documents: