Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous reference: Minute 9 (2015/16)


The annual report for the Parks and Green Spaces Service (Document “N”) reviews activity during the past year and also considers the significant issues that will have an effect over the coming 12 months.  The report also presents options, where appropriate, for future service delivery.


Recommended –


That the content of Document “N”, and in particular the Bowls Club agreement and the outcomes achieved following the flower bed consultation, be noted.


(Regeneration and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Ian Wood – 01274 432648)


Previous references: Minutes 9 & 42 (2015/16)


The Strategic Director of Environment and Sport submitted Document N” the annual report for the Parks and Green Spaces Service which reviewed activity during the past year and also considered the significant issues that would have an effect over the coming 12 months.  The report also presented options, where appropriate, for future service delivery.


The report provided information about the service and confirmed that it currently sat in the Sport and Leisure Service, part of the Environment and Sport Department.  It also described the managed facilities in the Keighley and Ilkley area; new facilities which were planned and in progress; a number of events (over 150) held throughout the year in parks and recreation grounds and provided an update on trees and woodlands in the area.


Members were reminded of the floral display review which had arisen as a result of reductions in the level of funding for that provision in the 2015/16 budget setting process.  The issue had been thoroughly debated at the meetings on 25 June 2015 and 3 December 2015 and an update on progress since that time was provided.


Following discussions about trees and woodlands a Member reported unauthorised trial bike riding taking place on woodland routes in Ben Rhydding.  It was agreed that the issue would be communicated to the Council’s Woodlands Officer. The potential for the Wardens on motorbikes to inspect the area was also discussed.


The support/subsidy provided to Bingley Music Festival was queried and, whilst all the information from the recent event had not yet been received, it was believed that the event would not ‘break even’.  The festival had been well attended but had been affected by the inclement weather.


The report revealed consultation with Ilkley In Bloom and their agreement to assist with the majority of the bedding schemes in Ilkley.  Those arrangements were questioned and it was explained that the Parish Council would fund the 2017/2018 summer and winter bedding schemes.  A rough estimate of the cost had been provided to them but that would need to be confirmed.   The spring planting would be managed by the Council. 


The impact that the renovation of the park and buildings at Cliffe Castle could have on Devonshire Park was queried.  Members were assured that the maintenance of all parks was undertaken by the service.  The grass was cut ten times per year and refuse bins emptied twice weekly.  A Member believed a Friends of Devonshire Park was being organised but said that he not seen any developments.  Concerns around drug users in the park were also raised.  In response it was explained that Devonshire Park was more of an arboretum than other parks.  The park contained many beautiful trees but their presence could make the area dark and residents may feel afraid.  It was explained that the trees could not be felled but shrubs could be removed and the holly lifted. An increased Warden Service would also reassure residents.


A Member raised concerns about the play facilities at the top end of Devonshire Park.  He confirmed that measures were being undertaken with the Friends of Devonshire Park to raise funds to improve the area.  He discussed social issues in Lund Park also and liaison with the ‘Friends of’ groups; the police and Council Wardens.  It was reported that the Child Sexual Exploitation unit were also involved.


The contracts for the grounds maintenance for large housing developments in the area were raised.  A Member questioned if there were any legal restrictions preventing the Council tendering for that work.   In response officers were unable to confirm the legalities of any such arrangements.  The service had not previously tendered as they no longer had the resources to undertaken those works.  It was agreed that investigations would be undertaken to ascertain if there were restrictions on the Council bidding for maintenance contracts.


Funds received from S106 agreements or Community Infrastructure Levy, under the terms and conditions of planning approval, were raised.  It was questioned if the service were proactive in utilising those funds in the locations they were intended to benefit or if those decisions were left to the Parish Councils.  It was explained that the funds available to the service were for play facilities and the technical unit liaised with the officers in charge of those funds.  It was believed that those technical officers regularly checked the available resources. 


The report revealed that a new pathway at East Morton Recreation Ground, at a cost of £12,000, was to be funded by S106 monies.  A Member raised concerns that he had not been made aware of the availability of those resources.  It was agreed to include, in the future annual reports provided, an overview of the S106/CIL process and the apportionment of those funds in the Parks and Green Spaces Service.


Members also asked that the Assistant Director, Planning, Transportation and Highways be requested to advise Ward Members of the S106/CIL resources available in their wards, and as a matter of course, before those resources were allocated.


The highway weed control arrangements were discussed and a Member explained that he was receiving enquiries from his constituents but that he was not informed of the schedule or routes undertaken. He felt that it was apparent that some areas were not being treated. The effective management of the contract to undertake that work was questioned and Members advised that the service had a good relationship with the contractors and that they were pro-active if an area had been missed.


It was explained that the schedule of treatment was provided to the Council’s Contact Centre and, weather permitting, those arrangements were not changed.  It was agreed to send the schedule to all Members.


Concern about the effectiveness of the treatments used and schedule of works were discussed.  Members were advised that the weeds were sprayed in May and then at eight weekly intervals.  The final treatment was undertaken in September/October time. It was explained that the chemicals utilised were residual and were only effective on the day of use and could not prevent regrowth. 


Arrangements following the closure of Riddlesden Golf Club were outlined in Document “N”.  Members explained that they were being contacted by residents about that issue; the details in the report were brief, and they were unsure who to contact to be kept updated about the issue.  In response it was explained that a working group had been established which included the Strategic Director, Environment and Sport and the Assistant Directors for Sport and Culture and Estates and Property Services.  It was confirmed that no decisions on options for that site had been made and that Ward Members would be kept updated.


The cost of maintenance of the central verges of the bypass and if that maintenance was cost effect was questioned.  It was explained that those issues were dealt with by the Council’s Highways Department and that the Council may be legally required to undertake that work. It was agreed to pass those costs to the Member who had raised that issue.


Resolved –


That the content of Document “N, particular the bowls club agreement and the outcomes achieved following the flower bed consultation, be noted.


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration and Economy

Action: Strategic Director, Environment and Sport



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